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InUrSkn is more than just a skin a hair and body clinic. It is Dr. Sejal's promise of providing minimal intervention patient care which is holistic, personalized and humane.

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Technology & Experience for treating

Skin Growths

What can We
help with?


Moles, or nevi, are common skin growths often appearing as small, dark spots caused by clustered melanocytes. While typically harmless, rare cases can become cancerous. Moles can develop anywhere on the body and may change or fade over time, especially during hormonal shifts like adolescence or pregnancy. Although benign moles require no treatment, removal is possible through methods like surgical excision, cryotherapy, or laser excision, if desired. They are often familial and can increase during transitional life events.

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Skin Tags

Skin tags, medically termed as acrochordons, are benign extra skin growths often found in body folds like the neck, underarms, or groin. Primarily a cosmetic concern, their treatment is sought for aesthetic reasons. Familial in nature, they can also proliferate with significant weight gain, obesity, or during hormonal changes like pregnancy. Management of body weight and blood sugar levels in diabetics can control their formation. Removal is straightforward through dermato surgical excision methods such as cryotherapy or laser excision.

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Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra (DPN) is a prevalent condition among individuals with darker skin tones, characterized by the appearance of small dark papules primarily on the face, neck, and upper torso. Although benign, the occurrence and size of these papules tend to increase with age. Effective treatments include simple dermatological surgeries like excision, employing methods like cryotherapy or laser excision to manage or remove these skin formations.

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Warts, caused by the Human Papillomavirus (HPV), are rough growths on the skin, often greyish compared to surrounding skin. Contagious and diverse in types, including common, plantar, flat, filiform, and periungual warts, prompt treatment is crucial. Genital warts, associated with certain HPV types, pose cancer risks. Prevention involves safe sex practices and HPV vaccination, with treatments ranging from topical antivirals to minor surgical excision.

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Lipomas are benign growths of fatty tissue occurring between the skin and muscles, notable for their soft, rubbery texture. Often seen after age 30, these growths are mainly a cosmetic concern, commonly appearing on the back, torso, arms, shoulders, and neck. Ranging between 1 and 6 inches, their treatment, usually for aesthetic reasons, entails a straightforward dermatological surgery.

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Sebaceous Cysts

Sebaceous cysts are benign growths under the skin filled with sebum, originating around sebaceous glands. They appear as whitish or yellowish bumps and can occur anywhere except palms and soles, where sebaceous glands are absent. While not usually painful, they may become sore if infected. Treatment, often for cosmetic reasons, includes dermato surgical excision, employing various methods like scalpel surgery or CO2 Laser excision.

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Why choose InUrSkn for treating
Skin Growths?

Skin growths need to be mainly treated by means of minor surgery called excision. It is a simple procedure that can be done in the clinic and does not require any recovery time.

InUrSkn offers world class infrastructure and technology to deal with such procedues. At InUrSkn we ensure that hygiene and safety is paramount and leave nothing to chance.

In addition Dr. Sejal personally carries out every single medical procedure ensuring the best results.

More about
Skin Growths

Moles (nevi) are a common type of skin growth. They often appear as small, dark brown spots or black spots and are caused by clusters of pigment-forming cells (melanocytes). Most moles are harmless. Rarely, they become cancerous.

Moles can develop anywhere on your body, including your scalp, armpits, under your nails, and between your fingers and toes. Most people have 10 to 40 moles. Many of these develop by age 50. Moles may change or fade away over time. With hormonal changes in adolescence and pregnancy, they may become darker and larger.

There are three basic types or groups of moles: regular and symmetrical, irregular, and cancerous. Most benign moles are the size of pencil erasers and can be flat or raised with defined edges.

Primary cause for moles is that they are familial in nature. Moles can increase during pregnancy and also during puberty and other such transitory life events.

While benign moles do not need treatment. Moles can be removed by a simple excision process. The excision can be done by teh following methods:

1. Surgical Excision with Scalpel
2. Cryotherapy
3. CO2 Laser Excision
4. RF Cautery

Yes, sun exposure can lead to the development of new moles by triggering melanocytes to produce pigment.

Yes, dermatologists can perform mole screenings to identify abnormal or potentially cancerous moles.

Yes, besides color variations, moles can be categorized based on their shapes, such as regular, irregular, and potentially cancerous.

Irregular moles may have uneven colors or undefined edges and could indicate a higher risk for skin cancer, warranting a medical evaluation.

Yes, mole removal for cosmetic reasons is generally safe when performed by a qualified healthcare professional.

Other than surgical excision, methods like cryotherapy and laser excision are non-surgical options for mole removal.

Though rare, moles can potentially reoccur at the same spot after removal.

The number of moles can stabilize or decrease with age, but new moles appearing after age 30 should be checked by a dermatologist.

Home remedies for mole removal are not recommended as they can cause scarring or infection, and potentially overlook a cancerous mole.

Healing time post mole removal varies among individuals, generally taking a few weeks. It’s advisable to follow post-care instructions for quicker recovery.

Skin tags are extra growths of normal skin which are benign in nature. These tags are generally formed in folds of neck, underarms, groin area, eyelids, breasts and sometimes on flat areas such as the face. Medically these are called acrochordons.

These tags look like nubs which when become large have kind of a stalk with a larger head. Most skin tags have size between 1 and 5 mm, very rarely growing beyond this size.

Skin tags being benign are mainly a cosmetic issue for most people and treatment is only needed in case the patient has an issue with their appearance.

Skin tags are known to be familial in nature. However skin tags can form if there is a substantial weight gain. It is also more present in obese people than individuals with lower BMI. A sudden increase in skin tags can occur during phases such as pregnancy when there is an increase in the growth factors in the body.

The best way to control formation of skin tags is to keep a track of your body weight. In case you are diabetic then a control on blood sugar levels can reduce formation of new skin tags.

The best way to treat skin tags is with a simple dermato surgery called excision. The excision can be done by following methods:

1. Surgical Excision with Scalpel
2. Cryotherapy
3. CO2 Laser Excision
4. RF Cautery

No, skin tags are not contagious.

Usually, skin tags are painless, unless irritated by clothing or jewelry.

Yes, it’s possible though not common for skin tags to reappear after removal.

No, they typically don’t indicate any underlying medical conditions.

No, skin tags are benign and don’t turn cancerous.

There’s no foolproof way to prevent skin tags, though maintaining a healthy weight may help.

It’s advisable to consult with a dermatologist before using over-the-counter solutions for skin tag removal.

Yes, skin tags tend to occur more often as people age.

Some natural remedies are purported for skin tag removal, but it’s best to consult with a healthcare professional for safe and effective treatment.

Yes, if a skin tag is repeatedly irritated or scratched, it could potentially become infected.

DPN stands for dermatosis papulosa nigra. It is a common condition in dark skinned people. In this condition there is an occurance of multiple small dark coloured papules on the face. These papules are benign and do not pose any threat. These bumps generally develop on face, neck and upper torso. These are generally 1 to 5 mm in diameter and 1 to 3 mm in height. Their occurrence and size are seen to increase with age.

DPN is often considered to be a variation of another common benign skin condition called seborrheic keratosis. DPN are largely familial in nature. However they are aggravated by sun exposure. It is also commonly seen in dark skinned people who use skin lightening treatments. However what primarily causes DPN remains unknown.

Limiting sun exposure is the only prevention technique for DPN.

The best way to treat DPN is with a simple dermato surgery called excision. The excision can be done by following methods:

1. Surgical Excision with Scalpel
2. Cryotherapy
3. CO2 Laser Excision
4. RF Cautery

DPN primarily affects dark-skinned individuals and often appears as dark papules on the face, whereas moles can occur on anyone and anywhere on the body.

Results post-treatment can be noticed immediately or within a few weeks depending on the method used for removal.

No, DPN is benign and does not lead to skin cancer. However, any changes in skin growths should be evaluated by a healthcare professional.

There’s no guaranteed method to prevent DPN recurrence, though limiting sun exposure can be beneficial.

Scarring post DPN papule removal varies among individuals and the method used; consulting a dermatologist for the most suitable method is advisable.

Currently, there are no creams proven to effectively treat DPN. Surgical excision methods are the most reliable treatments.

Home remedies are not recommended for treating DPN as they may cause adverse reactions or infections. Professional medical treatment is advisable.

No, DPN is not contagious as it’s a benign skin condition.

Complications are rare but may include infection, scarring, or pigmentary changes, hence, post-operative care is crucial.

DPN primarily occurs on the face, neck, and upper torso but might appear elsewhere, albeit rarely.

Warts are raised growths on your skin caused by HPV (Human Papillomavirus). Being caused by virus these are contagious and should be treated as soon as they appear to control their spread on the patient’s body as well as to others.

Warts are unpleasant to look at because of their rough, thick and grainy structure and generally are greyish in colour (as compared to their surrounding healthy skin).

Warts are classified based on their growth pattern and the region of the body which they affect. Some of the types of warts and the regions they affect are as below:

1. Common Warts – These are raised warts and generally grow around fingers, toes, knees etc.

2. Plantar Warts – These warts grow into your skin and not above it. These are generally more painful and grow on the soles of the feet.

3. Flat Warts – These warts do do extend outward and are flat and generally grow in large groups. They grow around cuts and nicks on your body.

4. Filiform Warts – These look like skin tags and grow around your mouth, nose, eyelids etc.

5. Periungual Warts – These grow around and under nails of fingers and toes.

Genital Warts are the warts that are caused by certain types of HPV virus. These warts can be painful and also dangerous. Some forms of genital warts can even lead to cancer.

It is important that for any form of warts that the patient seek medical intervention immediately.

The easiest ways to prevent HPV are to use condoms and to practice safe sex.

In addition, vaccine is available for the prevention of genital warts and cancers caused by HPV. The vaccine can protect against nine types of HPV known to be associated with either cancer or genital warts.

Often warts are treated with topical antivirals and acids. However in case these do not work then the next line of treatment is a minor surgery called excision. The excision can be done by following methods:

1. Surgical Excision with Scalpel
2. Cryotherapy
3. CO2 Laser Excision
4. RF Cautery

Yes, warts are caused by HPV and are contagious, easily spread through skin-to-skin contact.

Warts have a rough, grainy texture and are often greyish in color. If unsure, consult a dermatologist.

Yes, warts can spread to other areas of the body if touched or scratched.

Yes, warts can recur after treatment as HPV may remain in the skin.

Over-the-counter treatments may be effective for some, but it’s advisable to consult a healthcare provider for persistent or painful warts.

It varies; warts may disappear within weeks post-treatment or might take longer.

Home removal, especially cutting or burning, is not recommended and can cause infection. Professional medical treatment is advisable.

Certain types of HPV, especially those causing genital warts, can potentially lead to cancer, making prompt treatment essential.

Warts can affect individuals of all ages, but children and teenagers are often more susceptible.

Avoiding skin-to-skin contact, not sharing personal items, and keeping warts covered can help prevent spreading warts to others.

A lipoma is a loose lump of fat that occurs between your skin and muscles. Lipomas are soft with a rubbery feel to them and can move easily if pressed and pushed with a finger. Most cases of lipoma are benign and need treatment mainly for cosmetic purposes. Lipomas most commonly occur on back, torso, arms, shoulders and neck.

Lipomas occur mainly after the age of 30. Lipomas never spread to other parts and are generally painless. Lipomas are quite large as compared to most skin lesions (Between 1 and 6 inches)

Lipomas are idiopathic, that is their actual cause is unknown. However they are known to be familial in nature. Different types of lipoma are as below:

Angiolipoma: This type contains fat and blood vessels. Angiolipomas are often painful.

Conventional: The most common type, a conventional lipoma contains white fat cells.

Fibrolipoma: Fat and fibrous tissue make up this type of lipoma.

Hibernoma: This kind of lipoma contains brown fat. Most other lipomas contain white fat.

Myelolipoma: These lipomas contain fat and tissues that produce blood cells.

Spindle cell: The fat cells in these lipomas are longer than they are wide.

Pleomorphic: These lipomas have fat cells of various sizes and shapes.

Lipomas can be removed by simple dermato surgery.

They may be linked to certain hereditary conditions like familial multiple lipomatosis.

Yes, though uncommon, lipomas can reoccur in the same area after removal.

Exercise doesn’t directly affect lipomas as they consist of fatty tissue, not excess body fat.

There’s no proven dietary change to prevent or reduce lipomas, though a healthy diet is always beneficial.

Some suggest liposuction or steroid injections, but effectiveness varies and surgical removal is most common.

Usually painless, though angiolipomas can be painful due to their vascular nature.

Lipomas can slowly grow over time, but they usually remain the same size once formed.

They are soft and rubbery to touch, moving easily when pressed.

It’s extremely rare, but lipomas can become a cancerous tumor called a liposarcoma.

Follow your doctor’s instructions, keeping the area clean to avoid infection and attending follow-up appointments.

Sebaceous cysts are whitish or yellowish coloured growths under your skin. These cysts do not contain pus but in fact have mainly ‘sebum’ in them. This is so because sebaceous cysts start generally around the sebaceous glands and grow in size.

Sebaceous cysts are benign in nature and are generally can be seen on every part of the body except your palms and soles as there are no sebaceous glands on these areas. Sebaceous glands are the glands in your skin that are responsible for the generation of sebum, which is a fluid consisting mainly of lipids (fats) and some proteins.

Sebaceous Cysts are generally not painful unless they get infected. In which case you may see them turn reddish and sore. When a sebaceous cyst is pinched and squeezed you can find sebum oozing out of the same. These can happen at any age and generally require treatment for aesthetic purposes.

Sebaceous cysts form because of some form of issue with a particular sebaceous gland such as blocking of the gland or damage to the gland in some way. These can also form because of some medical conditions.

The best way to treat a sebaceous cyst is with a simple dermato surgery called excision. The excision can be done by following methods:

1. Surgical Excision with Scalpel

2. Cryotherapy

3. CO2 Laser Excision

4. RF Cautery

Some may diminish or vanish over time, but many remain unchanged or may grow.

Pimples are inflammations of skin pores while sebaceous cysts are blocked sebaceous glands filled with sebum.

It’s extremely rare but not impossible; any sudden growth or change should be evaluated.

Common triggers include gland blockage, trauma, or certain medical conditions.

No, squeezing can lead to infection or exacerbate the cyst.

Through physical examination, and sometimes imaging tests or a biopsy.

Yes, especially if they’re infected or if they’re removed without proper care.

Keeping the skin clean can help, but there’s no foolproof prevention due to their often idiopathic nature.

No significant gender bias exists, they can occur in both males and females.

They can vary greatly in size, from a few millimeters to several centimeters.

Why Trust Dr. Sejal & InUrSkn

Dr. Sejal Saheta

MD, DNB - Dermatology & Venereology

Dr. Sejal has dual degrees of MD and DNB in Dermatology and Venereology. She has worked with some of the senior most doctors in the largest government and private hospitals for more than 15 years. Over these years at InUrSKn, she has treated thousands of patients for a variety of conditions and needs across dermatology, venereology, cosmetology and trichology domains.

Dr. Sejal believes in a minimum intervention approach to health and believes that educating and empowering the patient is the key to good health.

Every patient at InUrSkn is seen personally by Dr. Sejal without any time limit, where she discusses the patient’s concern in detail along with understanding the history of their health and carrying out a personal examination.

Dr. Sejal Carrying out a treatment

At InUrSkn we belive that all patient care must be
– Holistic
– Personalized
– Humane
– Minimal

That is Dr. Sejal and Team live by the philospohy to never prescribe medications or procedures that may not be required and while approaching a concern Dr. Sejal ensures that a detailed history and context is understood by her. Medical tests are prescribed by Dr. Sejal when she believes that there is more to the concern which needs to be addressed and only then the patient can truly benefit.

2018 - Ongoing

Chief Medical Officer InUrSkn – Skin & Hair Clinic

2016 - 2018

Dermato-Cosmetologist Dr. L. H. Hiranandani Hospital

2012 - 2015

Senior Dermatologist Dr. Marwah’s Skin and Laser Clinic

2011 - 2012

Dermatologist Dr. Mukadam’s Laser Cure Centre

2008 - 2011

Resident Doctor (Dermatology & Venereology) Rajwadi Government Hospital

  • 2018 - Ongoing
  • 2016 - 2018
  • 2012 - 2015
  • 2011 - 2012
  • 2008 - 2011
That Can Help
Dermato Surgeries & Procedures

Dermato Surgeries and procedures are minimally invasive surgeries done in a dermatology clinic without the need for admission. These surgeries help with various abnormalities that one may experience on the skin. These surgeries are generally done under local anesthesia and have minimal down time along with minimum post operative care. Patients can resume routine work almost immediately after the surgery.

  1. 1 Dermato Surgeries & Procedures
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InUrSkn with
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Frequent disinfection of all clinic spaces with UVC light and WHO-approved chemicals

Large waiting and treatment areas to ensure social distancing

Regular health checks for all patients and staff

Safer than salons, chain-clinics & hospitals

PPEs for patients and staff

Personal attention from Dr. Sejal Saheta (MD, DNB) - with 15+ years of experience

CIDESCO-certified aestheticians with minimum 3 years work experience

500+ Positive Reviews on Practo and Google

5000+ Patients treated last year alone

8000+ Procedures completed

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Frequently Asked Questions

Genetics, age, sun exposure, and certain health conditions can contribute to skin growths.

Yes, as people age, the likelihood of developing skin growths often increases.

Benign growths are generally consistent in color and border, while malignant ones may have irregular borders and color variations. It’s crucial to get a professional diagnosis.

Yes, chronic irritation or allergic reactions can sometimes lead to skin growths.

Yes, prolonged sun exposure can increase the risk of various skin growths, including cancerous ones.

It depends on the type. For instance, warts are contagious, but most other skin growths are not.

It’s possible, especially if the underlying cause isn’t addressed.

Some growths may respond to topical treatments, but it’s essential to consult with a dermatologist.

Yes, a balanced diet, staying hydrated, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can support skin health.

Dermatologists are specialists in treating skin conditions including skin growths.

While some suggest home remedies, it’s always safer to consult a dermatologist before attempting self-treatment.

It varies; treatments for medical reasons are often covered, but cosmetic procedures may not be.

Protecting skin from the sun, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and regular skin checks can help reduce risk.

A biopsy can provide a definitive diagnosis, especially when malignancy is a concern.

Yes, skin growths can occur in individuals of all skin types, though some types may be more prone to specific growths.

Dr Sejal Speaks
December 2023

Mole Removal: Surgery, Aftercare & Scars

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